Friday, September 17, 2010


My 6 1/2 year old got sent home from school b/c he was freaking out and they were "afraid for his safety." He is in a behavioral classroom for just this reason. He has PDD-NOS which is a VERY difficult disorder to deal with but that just means that the teachers need to be more properly trained so that he can get the education that every kid is entitled to! I'm so pissed off right now. The teacher was looking down on me like I told Gage this morning "please be as mean, rude and violent as you can today to your teachers!" Bitch should sympathize w/ me actually. I mean, she deals w/ this for what, an hour a day and I have to deal w/ it permanently. That's my LIFE! So yeah, I dont need her snooty looks and shit when she has NO fucking idea how very little of a situation she had on her hands w/ my son. She hasnt seen shit. Last year she actually called DFS on me b/c he had a bad week and she assumed (fucking assumed w/ no basis) that I hadnt been giving him his medication.... yeah, that's what happened. DFS believed me cause of science alone that kids can metabolize their meds so quick sometimes that it can seem like they didnt even have it in the first place. OMG, I just fucking hate people who have no respect for families of children w/ disabilities. They really have no idea (luckily for them!)

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